Alphabetical list of glossary terms
A water-soluble crystalline carbohydrate. There are many types of sugar of varying degrees of sweetness, including fructose, which occurs naturally in fruit, and lactose, which occurs naturally in milk.
Appears in modules:
- Carbohydrates Simple sugars and complex carbohydrates
- Carlos J. Finlay Eradicating yellow fever
- Cell Division II Mitosis
- Chemical Equations Using shorthand to show balanced reactions
- Chemical Reactions Types of reactions and the laws that govern them
- Chemical Reactions II Reaction kinetics
- Discovery and Structure of Cells Cell theory, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes
- DNA II The structure of DNA
- Energy Metabolism I Glycolosis and the Krebs cycle
- Fats and Proteins Structure and function of essential nutrients
- Gene Expression Enzymes and hereditary conditions
- History of Earth's Atmosphere II The rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Introduction to Inferential Statistics Describing patterns and relationships in datasets
- Lipids Composition, structure, and function
- Measurement Units, measuring strategies, and error
- Membranes II Passive and active transporters
- Origins of Life II Primeval environments and the origins of RNA
- Photosynthesis I Harnessing the energy of the sun
- Properties of Liquids Intermolecular forces, cohesion, adhesion, and viscosity
- Properties of Solids The influence of crystal structure on behavior
- Solutions Molarity, solubility, and colligative properties
- Statistical Techniques Constructing a confidence interval
- Substances Pure substances and mixtures
- The Carbon Cycle Geology, biology, and the impact of human activities
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