
To break down; to decrease over time in size, amount, or force.
Appears in modules:
- Atomic Theory II Ions, neutrons, isotopes and quantum theory
- Chemical Reactions Types of reactions and the laws that govern them
- Defining Energy Forms of energy, conversions, and measuring
- Exponential Equations I Growth and decay
- Exponential Equations II The constant e and limits to growth
- History of Earth's Atmosphere II The rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Nuclear Chemistry Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Nuclear Chemistry I Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Paleontology and the Fossil Record Reading the clues
- Substances Pure substances and mixtures
- The Nitrogen Cycle Of microbes and men
- The Rock Cycle Uniformitarianism and recycling
- Uncertainty, Error, and Confidence Characterizing natural variability and human error
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