Alphabetical list of glossary terms
A material formed by the chemical combination of elements in defined proportions. Compounds can be chemically decomposed into simpler substances.
Appears in modules:
- Acids and Bases I Definitions, pH and neutralization
- Acids and Bases II Conjugate ions and buffers
- Atmospheric Chemistry Research that Changed Global Policy The work of Mario Molina
- Atomic Theory IV Quantum numbers and orbitals
- Blood Biology I Components of blood
- Cell Division II Mitosis
- Chemical Bonding Ionic and covalent bonds and polarity
- Chemical Equations Using shorthand to show balanced reactions
- Chemical Reactions Types of reactions and the laws that govern them
- Chemical Reactions II Reaction kinetics
- Defining Minerals Composition and crystal structure
- Density and Buoyancy Definitions and units
- Discovery and Structure of Cells Cell theory, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes
- DNA I The genetic material
- Early Ideas about Matter From Democritus to Dalton
- Energy Metabolism I Glycolosis and the Krebs cycle
- Energy Metabolism II The Generation of ATP
- Experimentation in Scientific Research Variables and controls in practice
- Exponential Equations II The constant e and limits to growth
- Fats and Proteins Structure and function of essential nutrients
- Future of Human Evolution Artificial selection and transhumanism
- Gene Expression Enzymes and hereditary conditions
- History of Earth's Atmosphere I The origin of the modern atmosphere
- History of Earth's Atmosphere II The rise of atmospheric oxygen
- Identifying Minerals Characterizing minerals' physical properties
- Lipids Composition, structure, and function
- Measurement Units, measuring strategies, and error
- Membranes II Passive and active transporters
- Modeling in Scientific Research Simplifying a system to make predictions
- Nuclear Chemistry I Radiation, half-life, and nuclear reactions
- Origins of Life I Early ideas and experiments
- Origins of Life II Primeval environments and the origins of RNA
- Percy Lavon Julian Revolutionizing medical treatment through chemical synthesis
- Properties of Liquids Intermolecular forces, cohesion, adhesion, and viscosity
- Properties of Solids The influence of crystal structure on behavior
- Ruth Benerito Using basic physical chemistry to solve practical problems
- Solutions Molarity, solubility, and colligative properties
- Stoichiometry The proportional nature of chemical reactions
- Substances Pure substances and mixtures
- The Nitrogen Cycle Of microbes and men
- The Periodic Table of Elements III Electron configuration
- The Phosphorus Cycle Phosphates and fertilizer
- The Practice of Science An introduction to research methods
- The Silicate Minerals The silica tetrahedron and Earth's most common minerals
- Theories, Hypotheses, and Laws Definitions, examples, and their roles in science
- Unit Conversion Dimensional analysis
- Water Properties and behavior
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