Alphabetical list of glossary terms
A Greek philosopher born in Stagira (384-322 BCE). He joined Plato's Academy in Athens (then being run by Eudoxus) at the age of 17. After attending the academy, he taught there for 20 years before founding his own school, the Lyceum. He is remembered primarily for his works on deductive logic and the use of philosophical reasoning to address questions about the natural world.
Appears in modules:
- Animal Ecology Competition, predation, and cooperation
- Charles Darwin I The Origin of Species
- Charles Darwin III Descent with modification
- Circulation in the Atmosphere Earth's tilt, orbit, rotation, and the redistribution of energy
- Defining Energy Forms of energy, conversions, and measuring
- Early Ideas about Matter From Democritus to Dalton
- Factors that Control Earth's Temperature Energy from the sun and greenhouse gases
- Origins of Life I Early ideas and experiments
- Scientific Institutions and Societies Types of institutions and their influence
- Taxonomy I What's in a name?
- The Nature of Light Particle and wave theories
- The Nature of Scientific Knowledge What is it and why should we trust it?
- The Practice of Science An introduction to research methods
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